The 5 Apps I Use for Reading

Andrew Molloy
2 min readFeb 17, 2022


This universal app is as much about the Kindle Reader as it is the app itself. Reading without strain on an e-ink screen is just convenient, and I find it better than a physical book frequently. When I can, I get books on Kindle.


Whether you consider audiobooks as reading, it falls in this category since I listen to many books nowadays. It’s also a perfect companion to Kindle since it’s also an Amazon app and has a Whispersync feature, which syncs between audio and ebook so you can pick up where you left off in either medium.

Apple Books

I have gone the Apple route with my mobile devices, so it makes sense to take advantage of the Apple ecosystem with their reading app. In this case, I use it mainly as an alternative to Kindle when I have bought ebooks elsewhere. I upload them to my Apple Books library. Since many are text, reference and non-fiction books with maybe diagrams and colour, it can be better read on an iPad than a Kindle reader anyway.


This is my read later app and catch-all for anything else that isn’t a book. Whether it’s articles, emails, blog posts or anything I want to read but not at the moment, I will send it to Instapaper, which I also use for reading. The interface is clean and distraction-free and has an audio text to speech option.


While not a reading app per se, this is the app I use as a companion to my reading or the backend. All my highlights and notes from any of my reading apps and physical books end up in Readwise (mostly automatically, like highlighting on my Kindle Reader).

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