Struggling to Find My Niche

Andrew Molloy
2 min readMay 21, 2022

I’m at the point in my writing and everything else where I really need to make a stand and define what my niche is.

If I were to define that characteristic in every aspect of my life it’s that I never stuck with one thing. That mindset in itself is also an issue as it could just be a matter of defining what already exists. What I actually do is my niche but trying to pin that with words is troublesome.

It could be that the lack of niche becomes my niche in some way so that’s something I have to figure out too.

I realise that it also isn’t something that needs to be permanent and could change over time or even explore different things while focused on a single niche.

For some context here niche isn’t about some relatively high category but really diving deep into something much more granular and specific. That’s where I know I need to go and over time I’ve started waivering to various different topics and I think there may be something in that itself. I’ve never had a driven career for example.

Even back to school and university I’ve followed the more generalised path and any specialties I’ve felt I’ve just fallen into.

It’s led to a strange mix of things that did end up fitting in some ways with the job I ended up in, which at first needed a good generalist and then over time I’ve falled into different specialties through need rather than drive.

It’s been the same outside of that too with having interests in various things and not diving too much into any one thing.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

