IFTTT Services Breakdown Part 3


Andrew Molloy
2 min readJul 9, 2022

In the previous parts of IFTTT Services I covered what was on the main page of a Service listing on IFTTT, and also what two views on that page were and meant. These were the Applets and Details views. Here we wrap up the other views in Services and what they mean.

One thing to note in the Details that I hadn’t covered is while there may or may not be Triggers, Queries and Actions, whatever is listed will also have an additional item to allow you as the user to suggest a possible new item under these categories.

I.e. if there is a list of triggers but you don’t see what you want and you think it would be useful you can suggest a new Trigger, with the name and what you would use it for.


Health is generally broken into two sections and covers how well this particular service on IFTTT actually performs. This could be vital information on something you may consider critical to running for reliability or if you need to check if there’s a problem with the service itself rather than how you set up your Applet or other user specifics.

The first section is User Feedback and covers more the general usefulness of this service or app by the IFTTT users themselves. This about the alignment of expected behaviour with what’s described.

API health is the second section and this comes under reliability and uptime. This is what you can check if something stops working for some reason and also if something is likely to not be reliable if there is a lot of downtime. It only covers the last 24 hours.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

