A Review of Time Management Fundamentals Course by David Crenshaw

Andrew Molloy
2 min readMar 18, 2022

What is it?

This is an hour and half video course released about a month ago on LinkedIn Learning. Presented by Dave Crenshaw, an author and coach in productive leadership.

Why did I take it?

I mostly was curious to see what was new about this course and as a refresher. What really speaks to me at the moment is the emphasis on not just digital but organising and processing your physical space and inbox.

My thoughts

I have some history with it as this is a refresh of the same course I took in 2011, back then it was on Lynda.com (which got bought by LinkedIn and evolved to LinkedIn Learning). I don’t quite remember the details of the entire course from a decade ago but this definitely feels like it lives up to the refresh promise of being leaner and more practical without losing the content. The idea of the physical inbox was something I used for years because of that older version of the course.

So I had high expectations as Dave’s content always resonated and felt really practical. I see he’s brought out a 2nd edition of his Myth of Multitasking book in the last month too, and that first edition which I read a decade ago too was great.

Although there are minor changes to the content to keep it more up to date with today’s world the principles are largely the same and I think that speaks to the evergreen nature and how relevant it will be if you invest time into putting it into practice.

I’ve evolved my own systems and I lean more on todo lists and task management than Dave recommends but I see how I can integrate what he teaches into it and leverage what I already am doing or plan to do. Dave himself says treat it as a guide than a strict rulebook and do what works for you, that approach shows someone that understands individual productivity.

I highly recommend the course and if you’ve taken it remember to take it again if you go off track.

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